@misc{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001031, author = {CHEN, Jing and 渡邉, 紹裕 and Jazila and CHEN, Jing and Watanabe, Tsugihiro and Jazila}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, Taking Zhangye City in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin as a case study, the current situation and the background of water resources management system in this region are investigated. The current situation of agriculture water used is analyzed, and the agricultural water assignment, the irrigation management system and the organization are clear about. Then, the measures and the effects for construction of the water-saving society are analyzed, the changes in agricultural water management and agriculture industrial structure are discussed, and the question about sustainable development of the water-saving society is put forward. Finally, through the qualitative analysis on the influence of agricultural water used to the water resources of Heihe River Basin, the recent policy and the new trend of agricultural water used is appraised preliminarily.}, title = {Research on Current Situation and Change of Agricultural Water Management in the Middle Reaches of Heihe River Basin}, year = {2005}, yomi = {ワタナベ, ツギヒロ} }