@misc{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001039, author = {相馬, 秀廣 and 穆, 桂金 and 斉, 烏雲 and 堀, 和明 and 加藤, 雄三 and 森谷, 一樹}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Agricultural aspects are, in some senses, important for peoples living even in the arid and semi-arid regions. Peoples in the lower reaches of the Heihe River are considered to have been engaged in the agriculture from the Historical Documents. Details of the ruins such as the wall-surrounded cities and agricultural aspects of the area, and environmental changes exposed upon them are investigated mainly based on the stereo-graphical interpretation of the Corona Satellite photographs and field observation. An isolated tamarix cone (tamarix mound), in addition to ruins of wall-surrounded cities and paleo-irrigation canals, can be drawn out from the Corona Satellite photographs. The tamarix cones, more than 7m in relative height, are developed covering on the ruins of the Han Dynasty, and those of 3 to 4m in relative height on the paleo-irrigation channels of the Xixia and Yuan Dynasty, and absent on the irrigation channels dug in 1950'. The relative height of the tamarix cones suggests the length of the time after the abandoned. A transverse sand dune, developed upon the tamarix cones of 7m in relative height at south-west of the K710 ruins, suggests activity of drift sand having changed vigorously recently. Moreover, one of the iron factory ruins in the Xixa Dynasty was pointed out at the four kilometers south from the K710 ruins. Above mentioned suggests the stereo-graphical interpretation of the Corona Satellite photographs is very effective for the research on the ruins and environmental changes.}, title = {黒河下流地域における遺跡とそれに残された環境変化}, year = {2007}, yomi = {ソウマ, ヒデヒロ and カトウ, ユウゾウ and モリヤ, カズキ} }