@article{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001892, author = {鍋島, 孝子 and NABESHIMA, Takako}, issue = {1}, journal = {SANITATION VALUE CHAIN, SANITATION VALUE CHAIN}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, This paper is aimed at verifying the change of historical phases to overcome modernization, through the process of African peasants’ participation in policy-making of integrated water resource management. To do that, it is important to criticize modern values like “rationality” and “efficiency” in order to explain why African peasants were marginalized from the political power during the colonization and authoritarian regime. And modern phenomena will be compared with postmodern one in regard to the social status of peasants, their availability of new technology and their rights to water. They overcome the dualistic system between modern administrative and traditional society. Some of them manage new technology according to their life style and treat easily it as their daily routine to increase agricultural production. Their application of new technology does not bring them a huge scale of colonial plantation but their life restructuration as social and economic actors. We will see also them using cross-national knowledge and technology to make decision of water resource as political actors. That is a new style of Nation-State under the influence of transnational elements. Without political participation of peasants as stakeholders, we will not be able to keep sustainable water resource management.}, pages = {51--62}, title = {Political Participation by African Peasants as Development Actors of Integrated Water Resource Management}, volume = {1}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ナベシマ, タカコ} }