@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002187, author = {松林, 尚志 and Lagan, Peter and Majalap, Noreen and Tangah, Joseph and Sukor, Jum Rafiah Abd. and 北山, 兼弘 and Matsubayashi, Hisashi and Lagan, Peter and Majalap, Noreen and Tangah, Joseph and Sukor, Jum Rafiah Abd. and Kitayama, Kanehiro}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf, Natural licks are an important place for mammals to obtain mineral elements that are deficient in their diets. Although the tropical rain forests of Borneo are known for high mammalian diversity, little is known about the relationship between natural licks and mammals. To understand the use of natural licks by mammals and the role of natural licks to maintain the mammalian diversity and populations in Borneo, we conducted a field study in Deramakot Forest Reserve, Sabah. Twenty-nine species of mammals out of the 37 species known in the forests of Deramakot irrespective of food type were recorded on the natural licks. The mammals came to the natural licks to drink water rather than to eat soil. Analysis of the water from the natural licks showed that the concentrations of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium as well as pH were significantly higher than those of the controls (stream and soil water). Foliar analysis of animal diets showed that potassium was significantly higher than sodium in concentration. This study indicated that the mammals might come for the ingestion of minerals, especially sodium, to maintain internal sodium/potassium balance. The natural licks are hot spots of mammalian diversity in Borneo because a cascade of food web (herbivores to carnivores) is formed.}, title = {Diversity of mammalian species at natural licks in rain forest of Deramakot and their conservation}, year = {2002}, yomi = {マツバヤシ, ヒサシ and キタヤマ, カネヒロ} }