@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002252, author = {若原, 妙子 and 白木, 克繁 and 佐藤, 嘉展 and 蔵治, 光一郎 and 熊谷, 朝臣 and WAKAHARA, Taeko and SHIRAKI, Katsushige and SATO, Yoshinobu and KURAJI, Koichiro and KUMAGAI, Tomo'omi}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf}, title = {Distribution of soil depth and soil water content at Lambir hills catchment}, year = {2005}, yomi = {ワカハラ, タエコ and シラキ, カツシゲ and サトウ, ヨシノブ and クラジ, コウイチロウ and クマガイ, トモオミ} }