@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002335, author = {韓, 驥 and 大西, 暁生 and 井村, 秀文 and HAN, Ji and ONISHI, Hiroaki and IMURA, Hidefumi}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, This paper studies China’s population migration and its environmental implications taking domestic water use as an example. Firstly, mechanisms of population migration between provinces and between rural and urban areas are analyzed by regression models. Secondly, future scenarios integrating economic development, population migration and urbanization up until 2020 are developed. Finally, the implication of population migration for domestic water use is examined. The major findings are as follows: a) income gap, migration stock and distance are main determinants of inter-provincial migration; b) In 2020, population migration will cause domestic water use increase by 7.2% in Eastern Region, and decrease by 5.5%組d4.9% in Middle and Western Regions respectively.}, publisher = {大学共同利用法人 人間文化研究機構 総合地球環境学研究所 黄河プロジェクト 福嶌義宏}, title = {An Analysis of Population Migration and its Environmental Implications in China : Application to Domestic water use}, year = {2007}, yomi = {ハン, ジ and オオニシ, アキオ and イムラ, ヒデフミ} }