@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002388, author = {菊地, 賢 and 柴田, 銃江 and 吉丸, 博志 and 田中, 浩 and 新山, 馨 and Kikuchi, Satoshi and Shibata, Mitsue and Yoshimaru, Hiroshi and TANAKA, Hiroshi and Niiyama, Kaoru}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf}, publisher = {Project 2-2, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature}, title = {Analysis of mating patterns and spatial genetic structure in Acer mono using microsatellite genetic markers in conserved and fragmented forests}, year = {2008}, yomi = {キクチ, サトシ and シバタ, ミツエ and ヨシマル, ヒロシ and タナカ, ヒロシ and ニイヤマ, カオル} }