@article{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002447, author = {松岡, 真如 and 早坂, 忠裕 and 福嶌, 義宏 and 本多, 嘉明 and Matsuoka, Masayuki and Hayasaka, Tadahiro and FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiro and Honda, Yoshiaki}, journal = {Yellow River Studies News Letter, Yellow River Studies News Letter}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, Land cover classification is implemented in the East Asian region using 250 m MODIS land surface reflectance product in combination with MODIS snow cover product and OLS human settlements product. This classification map is used as one of the input data of hydrological model applied to the Yellow River in China. The classification method is based on the decision tree classification by means of 11 kinds of land surface features derived from time series of two MODIS products and OLS data in 2000. The province based comparison of classification result with Chinese digital land cover map shows the good agreements in forest, agricultural field, grassland and barren categories. Another comparison with Chinese census resulte in the slight overestimations in forest and agricultural field. Agricultural sub-categories as paddy, dry field, and irrigated field shows relatively low agreements in both comparisons.}, pages = {15--26}, title = {Land cover classification over the Yellow River domain using satellite data}, volume = {4}, year = {2005}, yomi = {マツオカ, マサユキ and ハヤサカ, タダヒロ and フクシマ, ヨシヒロ and ホンダ, ヨシアキ} }