@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002516, author = {樋口, 篤志 and 檜山, 哲哉 and 高橋, 厚裕 and 西川, 将典 and LI, Wei and LIU, Wenzhao and 福嶌, 義宏 and HIGUCHI, Atsushi and HIYAMA, Tetsuya and TAKAHASHI, Atsuhiro and NISHIKAWA, Masanori and LI, Wei and LIU, Wenzhao and FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiro}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf}, publisher = {YRIS PROJECT Prof. Fukushima Yoshihiro, Inter-University Research Institute Corporatior, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature}, title = {Relation of in situ Hyper-Spectral Radiometer Data with Phenomena Observed by Other Variables - Comparison of in situ data with MOD IS images -}, year = {2008}, yomi = {ヒグチ, アツシ and ヒヤマ, テツヤ and タカハシ, アツヒロ and ニシカワ, マサノリ and フクシマ, ヨシヒロ} }