@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002597, author = {福嶌, 義宏 and FUKUSHIMA, Yoshihiro}, month = {}, note = {application/pdf, The most severe dry-up has occurred in the downstream of the Yellow River in 1997. After that, it was legislated for the conservation of water, and was improved on the order of water use in each irrigation area. Since 2000, incidents relevant to dry-up seem to have not happened. The river water of the Yellow River at the mouth, however, continues to let low volume flow as the same as 1997. Its reasons and effect were / are studied as follows. The Yellow River project in RIHN was started to clarifying why the dry-up has occurred and what kinds of effects were to be occurred in surrounding circumstances. Now, the reason of the dry-up are considered due to the complicated factors, these are the decrease of precipitation, over-use of river water in large irrigation districts and recovery of vegetation on Loess Plateau. Though sediment production on Loess Plateau seems to decrease, the river bed in downstream of the Yellow River continues to rise up. It will enhance the danger of flood disaster in the North China Plain. On the other-hand, the environment of Bohai Sea has changed in both water and material inputs from the Yellow River. Its effects are now investigated.}, publisher = {YRIS Project}, title = {Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry in the Czech Republic -Synthetic result by the YRiS Study Group-}, year = {2007}, yomi = {フクシマ, ヨシヒロ} }