@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002761, author = {XU, X. and ZHANG, K. and CAI, T. and SHENG, H and 柴田, 英昭 and XU, X and ZHANG, K. and CAI, T. and SHENG, H and SHIBATA, Hideaki}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Fe is an important nutrient for productivity of marine ecosystem. Terrestrial ecosystem is an important source of Fe transporting to the aquatic ecosystems. The objectives of this study are to determine the spatial pattern of Fe in soils and vegetations; and to reveal the tree-soil interaction controlling Fe biogeochemical cycling in forested watersheds within Amur Basin. The results from the study showed that there existed significant differences in distributions of dissolved and total Fe in soils between upland and wetland forest ecosystems. Vegetation type had a notable effect on dissolved Fe in soils. The regression analysis showed that the concentration of dissolved Fe was significantly and positively correlated with soil DTN and DOC, which indicates that DOC-fixation may be the dominant form in the dissolved Fe. The result in this study indicated that the variation in soil dissolved Fe (DFe) was controlled by both geohydrochemical process and vegetation, and Fe leaching can be controlled by DOC in forest ecosystems. In addition, the concentration of DFe in stream water was significantly and positively correlated with streamwater DOC and DTN, and soil DFe, DOC and DTN. Forest wetland was the important source of dissolved Fe entering stream and river waters.}, publisher = {Amur-Okhotsk Project}, title = {Iron dynamics in forest ecosystems: effects of topography and vegetation type}, year = {2010}, yomi = {シバタ, ヒデアキ} }