@article{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004245, author = {鈴木, 博之 and 四郎, 翁姆 and SUZUKI, Hiroyuki and Wangmo, Sonam}, issue = {13}, journal = {言語記述論集, JOURNAL OF KIJUTSUKEN(Descriptive Linguistics Study Group)}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, This article provides a list of words with a uvular initial in Lhagang Tibetan. Uvular sounds are only attested in narrative materials told by the elder generation. Our elicitation of words and sentences from speakers in the younger generation have not so far found any uvular sounds, even in their phonetic variation. The dialectal background of Lhagang Tibetan suggests that it might have had uvular sounds; hence, the present situation of Lhagang Tibetan implies that the target language spoken by the younger generation has lost uvular sounds and then been merged into velar counterparts. The use of uvular sounds is primarily limited to speakers in the elder generation. Moreover, they appear especially in the course of storytelling, and not often in everyday conversation. For this phenomenon, we analyse that the elder generation is the first generation in which uvulars are disappearing. We point out that heavy language contact with other dialects is one of the crucial factors triggering their loss, focusing on the difference of the degree of losing uvulars among Lhagang Tibetan speakers in various generations.}, pages = {1--12}, title = {カムチベット語塔公 [Lhagang] 方言における口蓋垂音}, year = {2021}, yomi = {スズキ, ヒロユキ} }