@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000472, author = {小手川, 隆志 and 櫻井, 克年 and Kotegawa, Takashi and SAKURAI, Kastutoshi}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, ラオス北部山地域における水田の作物生産力の評価と現地住民による土壌分類に基づいた新しい土地利用法の開発を目的として,ウドムサイ県ナモー郡のAy村で予備調査を行った.Ay村の中には強風化のローム質の赤土と,砂地の白土,氾濫源の一部には黒土が分布していた.また,農民は土色のほかに土の粘り具合(texture)を土の良し悪しの基準として用いていた.今後は,地域住民によって分類された土壌の性質を土壌科学的に明らかにすると共に,ラオス北部山地域で開田がどのように進行していくのか、ということを土壌科学の視点から解明することを検討している, To evaluate the yield potential of paddy field on mountainous area in northern laos and develop the land utilization system based on indigenous soil classification, preliminary research was conducted in Ay village, at Namor District, Oudomxay Province. Strongly weathered, loamy red soils and sandy white soils, and also black soils in part of flood plain were observed in Ay village. In addition to the color, farmers also use soil texture to evaluate the fertility of soil. Further analysis on the relationship between soil properties and their evaluation by the farmers will be done. Preparation of the map for each paddy field in Ay village will be carried out by the combination of field survey and air photo taken by the use of a kite. Soil classification map and land utility map will be prepared to predict the future land utilization including demarcation of the new paddy field.}, publisher = {総合地球環境学研究所 研究プロジェクト4-2}, title = {ラオス北部山地域における水田土壌の土壌情報学的解析}, year = {2005}, yomi = {コテガワ, タカシ and サクライ, カツトシ} }