@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000477, author = {広田, 勲 and 中西, 麻美 and 縄田, 栄治 and HIROTA, Isao and NAKANISHI, Asami and NAWATA, Eij}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, Dynamics of fallow vegetation in shifting cultivation were studied in Houay Phee Village, La District, Udomxay Province, Lao P. D. R. In this year, the aims of study were (1) to estimate the biomass of bamboos in Houay Phee Village, which are the important dominant species in fallow forests, (2) to conduct general survey around Houay Phee Village, and (3) to continue the fallow vegetation survey in Houay Phee Village. The results were as follows. (1) D-H, D2H-WStem, D2H- WBranch, D2H-WLeaves, D-WTotal, and D2H-WTotal relationships in four bamboo species (Oxytenanthera parvifolia, Schizostachyum virgatum, Bambusa tulda, Indosasa sinica) were calculated. Total D-H, D-WTotal, and D2H-WTotal were clarified to be useful for the estimation of bamboo biomass. Several equations shown in this study may be applicable to another bamboo species in this area. But as these results were obtained by fresh weights, these results must be corrected by dry weights. (2) In recent years, according to the interviews with the villagers, the main non-timber forest products (NTFPs) were begun gathering 5 to 10 years ago. During this period, the amount of labor consumed in the fallow forests abruptly increased, whereas NTFPs are mainly gathered in the fallow forests. As a result, there have been two impacts, which were the shortening of fallow periods and the gathering of NTFPs in the fallow forests in this about ten years, and that caused recent vegetation change in this area. (3) Fallow vegetation survey was carried out in Houay Phee Village. Although detailed analysis has not been conducted yet, mean height, mean DBH and stem density in the fallow fields showed succession of fallow vegetation.}, publisher = {総合地球環境学研究所 研究プロジェクト4-2}, title = {ラオス北部焼畑休閑林の植生動態 -Houay Phee村の事例-}, year = {2005}, yomi = {ヒロタ, イサオ and ナカニシ, アサミ and ナワタ, エイジ} }