@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000507, author = {齋藤, 暖生 and SAITO, Haruo}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, People gain a lot of foods from natural environment in Vientiane plain. This study is intended to categorize woodlands in plain field and clarify what is collected in each type of woodland. Interview survey was conducted in 10 villages of Xaythani district. Even though there are some varieties in classification of woodlands by local people, we can find 4 types of woodland. 1) Par Dong: deep forest where is not cut down for long time and contains big trees. 2) Par Khok: light forest where is cut down in past or stand on poor soil. 3) Par Lao: young woodland where is cut down in some years and have only small trees and bushes. 4) Tam: sparse scrub where is dunked in water in rainy season. At “Par Dong”, people collect fruits or nuts of trees and mushrooms which mainly grow up on termite mound. At “Par Khok”, people collect edible tree leaves and mushrooms which mainly grow up on ground. At “Par Lao”, people collect mushrooms which grow on timber and ground and some kinds of bamboo shoots. At “Tam”, people collect other kinds of bamboo shoots, edible herbaceous plants, water weeds and algae. These results are beginning of understanding human-natural relationship in Vientiane plain. It will be an assignment for this study to clarify reality of collecting activities and relationship between woodland types and human impact (shifting cultivation, cutting fuel wood, and so on) by intensive field survey in a village.}, publisher = {総合地球環境学研究所 研究プロジェクト4-2}, title = {ラオス・サイタニー郡における森林分類と食用植物・キノコ}, year = {2005}, yomi = {サイトウ, ハルオ} }