@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000543, author = {中田, 友子 and NAKATA, Tomoko}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, This study, focusing on interactions among forest use and cultivation, social and economic change, and transformation of environment in Southern Laos, tries to demonstrate local people’s practices such as reactions toward and negotiations with National and regional institutions or policies and natural environment. Although the diversities in agricultural products, system of cultivation, intensity of forest use, and economic prosperity, which are observed in the region, are partly caused by the historical and environmental conditions, cultural factor such as custom also influences on them. In addition, productive activities are closely related to people’s lifestyle, way of thinking and behavior patterns, which are, in a word, dispositions. These various factors are complexly intertwined each other.}, publisher = {総合地球環境学研究所 研究プロジェクト4-2}, title = {南ラオス・チャンパサック県、国道23 号線沿いの村落における農業と森林利用に関する諸実践の研究}, year = {2006}, yomi = {ナカタ, トモコ} }