@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000549, author = {広田, 勲 and 中西, 麻美 and 縄田, 栄治 and HIROTA, Isao and NAKANISHI, Asami and NAWATA, Eij}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, A series of studies were practiced aiming at the elucidation of the dynamics of fallow vegetation in shifting cultivation in northern Laos. Houay Phee village, La district, Oudomxay province was chosen as an object site of the case study.  The main results obtained so far are as follows. The floristic composition had fairly changed into the vegetation dominated by bamboos and pioneer species like Euphorbiaceous plants because of recent shortening fallow period. In the forests that were widely distributed in Oudomxay province and seemingly deep ones like conservation forests, the floristic composition may be biased compared to those in normal succession as long as shifting cultivation was practiced in the area.  Detailed analysis will be held on the vegetation alongside the rivers in Houay Phee village, on the vegetation in fallow fields just after harvest and on the spatial distribution of bamboos using DNA analysis. The forest vegetation in this study site has been considerably influenced by bamboos. According to the interviews to the villagers, one of the most dominant bamboo species flowered simultaneously in early 1990’s. The habitat of bamboos may had been drastically widen because of the double impact, i.e. the property of sprouting regeneration and spontaneous flowering. Future study can clarify the causes of recent increase of bamboo habitat in fallow forests.}, publisher = {総合地球環境学研究所 研究プロジェクト4-2}, title = {ラオス北部焼畑休閑林における植生変化 - ウドムサイ県La 郡Houay Phee 村の事例-}, year = {2006}, yomi = {ヒロタ, イサオ and ナカニシ, アサミ and ナワタ, エイジ} }