@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000551, author = {藤田, 裕子 and 大塚, 泰介 and FUJITA, Yuko}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, 水田における水稲の栽培条件が水田生態系に与える影響を評価するために、ラオス北部、ウドムサイ県のベン川流域の水田とナモー郡アイ村の水田で、水稲の栽培方法について聞き取り調査をおこない、藻類群集の調査を行った。藻類量や種数は水田によって違いが見られ、特に天水田で少なかった。日本の水田で観察される種も多く見られた。, Microalgal distributions in paddy soils in northern Laos were investigated in order to evaluate impacts of agricultural conditions on paddy field ecosystem. Interviews with farmers and sampling were conducted in Ben River basin and Ay village in Oudomxay Province. Microalgal abundance and the number of microalgal species differed depending on the conditions of paddy field. Many species which have been reported from Japanese paddy fields were identified.}, publisher = {総合地球環境学研究所 研究プロジェクト4-2}, title = {ラオス北部の水田における藻類の分布}, year = {2006}, yomi = {フジタ, ユウコ and オオツカ, タイスケ} }