@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000556, author = {Sasaki, Satoshi and Murayama, Nobuko and Natsuhara, Kazumi and Kounnavong, Sengchanh and Phonglusa, Khampheng and Sithideth, Dalaphone}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, Food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) has been developed for estimating food and nutrient intakes at both individual and group levels. The foods listed for FFQ have been chosen based on the data of semi-weighed dietary record (DR) collected in autumn, 2004 from children in Lahanam area, and other qualitative information on the dietary habits of Lao population. The validation study with FFQ and 3-day DR was performed using 113 adult women in Lahanam in summer, 2005. Mean intakes of some food groups were severely overreported in FFQ than in DR although the food list of FFQ almost covered major foods necessary for the assessment of the target population. In order to minimize over/underreporting tendency by food group, the portion sizes in the calculation algorism of FFQ were corrected using the over/underreport ratios of food groups. After this correction, nutrient intakes estimated from FFQ were compared with those assessed with DR at individual and village levels. Mean nutrient intakes of the whole population estimated from FFQ were close to those assessed with DR. However, the correlation coefficients of nutrient intakes between the two methods were null or low (r ranged from -0.14 [ % energy of fat] to 0.21 [niacin]). In contrast, the correlation analysis showed a reasonable reproducibility between the two FFQs assessed one-month apart (r ranged from 0.07 [retinol] to 0.60 [carbohydrate]). Further consideration with careful checking of the collected data may be necessary to develop a reliable and usable FFQ for people in rural Laos.}, publisher = {総合地球環境学研究所 研究プロジェクト4-2}, title = {Development and validation of food frequency questionnaire for estimating food and nutrient intakes of people in rural Laos}, year = {2006} }