@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000561, author = {稲岡, 司 and 松村, 康弘 and 安高, 雄治 and 小林, 敏生 and Keobouahome, Bounelome and Chanthakhoummane, Ketmany and Xayavong, Syda and Luangphaxay, Chanthaly and Boupha, Boungnong and Inaoka, Tsukasa and Matsumura, Yasuhiro and Ataka, Yuji and Kobayasi, Toshio and Keobouahome, Bounelome and Chanthakhoummane, Ketmany and Xayavong, Syda and Luangphaxay, Chanthaly and BOUPHA, Boungnong}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, 2005 年9 月にラオス・サバナケット県ソンコーン郡ラハナム地区(6村落)のうちベンカムライ村を除く5村落の成人(15歳~59歳)を対象として、身体計測(身長・体重・上腕囲・皮脂厚)・最大/最小血圧・空腹時血糖・試験紙を用いた半定量的尿試験、を行った。ランダムサンプリングを目指したが、実際には30代・40代のしかも男性より女性の参加が多く(男222人、女450人、合計672人)、参加率は男性対象者の約20%、女性対象者の約30%であった。その結果、1)身体計測値に年代間差が見られ、近年の栄養状態の改善が示唆された。2)過体重と肥満者割合は男性より女性で高く、加齢と共に上昇していた。3)高血圧者割合は男女とも年齢と共に高くなり、身体計測値を独立変数とした重回帰式では最大/最小血圧とも25%説明でき、体重やBMI・年齢・脈拍は正に、上腕囲は負に寄与していた。4)空腹時血糖値から判断した糖尿病者割合は男性より女性で高い傾向にあり、50歳代では20%に達していた。5)尿検査からは潜在的な腎機能障害(腎臓結石)や感染症の高さが伺えた。以上の全ての検査項目を独立変数とし、糖尿病のレベルを従属変数として累積ロジスティック回帰分析を行ったが、糖尿病者が少なかったためもあり糖尿病のレベルを判別できる回帰式は得られなかった。以上のことから、ラハナム地域の成人男女に慢性病と感染症が共に存在することが示唆されたが、これらの成因を明らかにするには本報告で扱わなかった食生活や活動、環境条件や薬物使用などの重要な要因を検討する必要がある。, Health examination including anthropometry, blood pressure, blood glucose, and urinary dipstick test, was conducted in September 2005, subjecting adult (between 15 and 59 years old) people in 5 of 6 villages in Lahanam, Songkhon district, Savannaket province, Laos. Two hundred twenty two males and four hundred fifty females (six hundred seventy two in total), largely in their 30s and 40s, participated in the study (participation rate of males and females was about 20 and 30 % , respectively). The results are as follows. 1) Anthropometry showed inter-generation difference, which may indicate recent nutritional improvement. 2) Proportion of overweight (BMI>25) and obesity (BMI>30) was higher in females, with generation difference in BMI in both sexes. 3) Proportion of normotension/hypertension increased with ageing in both males and females. About 25% of either systolic or diastolic blood pressure was explained by the multiple regressions with anthropometry as independent variable (body weight, BMI, pulse and age contributed positively and upper arm circumference negatively). 4) Proportion of diabetes mellitus judged by fasting blood glucose was higher in females than in males, and the former reached about 20% in their 50s. 5) Results from urinary dipstick test indicated potentially high prevalence of infections and functional disorder in kidney, kidney stone, in particular. Accumulate logistic regression analysis was conducted to discriminate DM type (dependent variable) with all the measurements (including results of urinary dipstick test) as independent variables, however, significant regression was not obtained partly because few (26) DM cases for 672 subjects. It was concluded that both infectious and chronic diseases exist in adult people in Lahanam area. In order to disclose their attributes, it is needed to examine more critical factors such as food habits, activities, environmental conditions and drug use, which were not treated in this paper.}, publisher = {総合地球環境学研究所 研究プロジェクト4-2}, title = {ラオス・サバナケット地域農村成人の健康と栄養の生態学}, year = {2006}, yomi = {イナオカ, ツカサ and マツムラ, ヤスヒロ and アタカ, ユウジ and コバヤシ, トシオ} }