@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000663, author = {櫻井, 武司 and SAKURAI, Takeshi}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, This report presents the results of preliminary analyses of household survey data collected for Theme 2 of the RIHN’s Resilience Project so that it would convey the idea as to what kind of research output can be expected. From the viewpoint of “resilience”, it is very important to investigate how a farm household recovers its consumption from a shock that negatively affects its income and hence reduces its consumption. If the recovery is quick, such a household is considered to be resilient relative to those who have difficulty in recovering consumption level. Theme 2 aims to provide the evidence of the household-level resilience and to examine its determinants based on the survey data of 48 sample households spread over three agro-ecologically distinctive zones in the Southern Province of Zambia, where variable precipitations often cause shocks at farm household level. It is well known that rural households in Sub-Saharan Africa have adopted a variety of ex ante as well as ex post risk response strategies so that consumption be smoothed in the presence of various shocks. Household survey of Theme 2 is designed to deal with all the potential strategies at household level. Among them, this report focuses on off-farm economic activities since they are significant sources of household income in the study site. Time allocation to 6 categories of activity at household level (hours per day per adult) were obtained from weekly interview on household members’ daily time use, and then the average time used for each activity and its variance were compared over the three periods in cropping season: planting season (period 1), before harvest season (period 2), and after harvest season (period 3). It is found that significantly longer time is used for agricultural work in period 1 than other periods, while time used for non-agricultural work is significantly longer in period 3 than other periods. Even in period 3, some households do not increase time allocated to non-agricultural work, while the others increase it. As a result, the variance in time allocation to non-agricultural work is significantly larger in period 3 than other periods. These findings may suggest that some (not all) households use non-agricultural work as an ex post risk-coping strategy to respond to crop production shock in the previous cropping season. However, the findings are not sufficient to conclude it: it is necessary to separate ex ante portion of non-agricultural work from ex post portion of non-agricultural work, and to test if ex post non-agricultural work actually smoothes consumption. Such robust analyses remain for future studies. The on-going weekly interview of the household survey together with daily precipitation recorded at plot level as well as weekly body measurement of household members will constitute a rich dataset to investigate household-level resilience in variable environment., 和文のものは、英文の報告の内容を要約したものとなっている}, publisher = {総合地球環境学研究所}, title = {リスク対処戦略としての農業外就労 ―ザンビア南部州における家計調査に基づく予備的実証―}, year = {2009}, yomi = {サクライ, タケシ} }