@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000674, author = {Lekprichakul, Thamana and Lekprichakul, Thamana}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, Subsistence rain-fed small holders in the semi-arid of Zamia are confronted with numerous idiosyncratic and climate-related common risks. Such has resulted in high variations in household income. In response, the farmers cope by utilizing a complex set of strategies to smooth income and/or asset. A field survey of 1,000 households was conducted in the eastern and southern province of Zambia to examine the farmers’ experiences with various shocks and measures they took to reduce risk ex ante and to lessen and insulate from shock impacts ex post. It is found that drought, malaria, livestock diseases, heavy rainfall, flood and dead to the bread winner or household members are the top six most common shocks. Drought is by far the most damaging hazards the majority of sampled households had experienced. Self-sufficiency in food production is the most fundamental form of ex ante risk reduction. This may due perhaps to imperfect agriculture market. Specialization on low risk and low return crop production appears to be a limited practice. At the other end of the spectrum, diversification is widely practiced in both provinces. However, diversification patterns differ. While small holders in the southern province tend to diversify across various production and income generating activities, the easterners tend to center around cash crop production. Ex post responses of farmers in the two provinces are also different. The easterners utilize income smoothing strategies by engaging in the alternative income generating activities and the informal insurance mechanisms to cope with crisis. The southerners tend to engage in the increased austerity and informal insurance mechanism to survive. Differentials in behavioral response may have reflected differences in resource endowment at the household and community level.}, publisher = {総合地球環境学研究所}, title = {事前と事後のリスク対処戦略 ―ザンビア東部・南部州の自給的農民はいかに行動しているか?―}, year = {2009} }