@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000692, author = {山内, 太郎 and 今, 小百合 and YAMAUCHI, Taro and Kon, Sayuri}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, In the previous annual report (Yamauchi, 2009), we described the nutritional status of adults and children and the growth status of children in the initial stages of a longitudinal survey of people living in three ecologically contrasting zones (Upper flat land zone, Middle slope zone and Lower flat land zone) in Southern Zambia. We demonstrated that adults living in the Lower zone were taller and heavier than their counterparts living in the other two zones (Yamauchi, 2009). In this report, we illustrate the month-by-month variations in body weight and body mass index (BMI) by sex in the three contrasting living environments during a 16-month period. Common patterns of variation in both body weight and BMI were observed in sex-regional subgroups, which suggest that they are related to variations in the climate (precipitation) and the agricultural cycle. Furthermore, men and women had quite similar patterns of variation of both body weight and BMI. We expect that there are similar patterns of diet and physical activity between men and women living in the same environment. Consistent with the findings of our previous report, the Lower zone men and women were heavier than their counterparts from the Middle and Upper zones, although the BMI of the Lower zone men was the lowest of the three groups because these men were taller. There were contrasting sex differences in the BMI among the three zones: the sex difference was largest in the Lower zone, moderate in the Middle zone, and slight in the Upper zone. Further studies are needed to clarify the mechanisms of these findings; for instance, to examine the relationship in the variation of body weight and BMI with the annual climate (precipitation) variation, food production and consumption. It would also be desirable to carry out dietary surveys, behavioral observations and estimations of energy expenditure., 和文のものは、英文の報告の内容を要約したものとなっている}, publisher = {総合地球環境学研究所}, title = {ザンビア共和国南部州の異なる生態学的環境に暮らす成人男女の栄養状態の変動 ―16 ヶ月間の身長、体重、BMI―}, year = {2010}, yomi = {ヤマウチ, タロウ and コン, サユリ} }