@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000697, author = {松村, 圭一郎 and MATSUMURA, Keiichiro}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 2009 年度は、8 月~9 月にザンビアの南部州・シナゾングェ地区において、NGO の食糧安全保障プルグラムについて、おもにWorld Vision(WV)とKaluli Development Foundation (KDF)の活動を中心に資料収集と現地調査を行い、取得データを分析した。, In the Sinazongwe district, several NGOs have implemented their development and relief programmes. Among all, World Vision (WV) is a main NGO providing food aid independently from the Zambian government. In FY 2009 research, we focused on the NGOs’ food security programmes by collecting the documents and observing their activities. The purpose of our research is to analyse how food aid by various actors has impacts on rural communities, especially through examining the role of the government institutions and other organisations. This paper firstly shows the outline of the WV’s two joint programmes, C-SAFE (2003-2006) and C-FARM (2007-2010). These programmes have been implemented in southern African countries including South Africa, Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia. Several NGOs such as CARE international, Catholic Relief Service (CRS) and the WV have participated to these programmes in Zambia. The WV has been responsible for the implementation in the Sinazongwe district. The research on the WV’s activities in Sinazongwe reveals that the current programme has only covered communities under relatively better condition near main roads due to the limited resources and difficulties of access. Although the food aid programme of the WV is carried out according to their own guideline independently from the government focusing on targeting of beneficiaries, some NGOs often work for the government institution as in the case of Kaluli Development Foundation (KDF). The KDF has implemented the government food relief project as a local distributor contracting with the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU). In the 2009 fieldwork, we observed the actual implementation of the NGOs’ food security programmes and collected information about their activities mainly from the WV and the KDF. Our research issue in FY 2010 will be more focused on local communities through an intensive field study about food security situations at a selected village and the impacts of relief activities on local livelihood. By integrating the data collected, we will try to analyze the local perceptions and responses to the food security programmes such as food aid. Through the research, we are expecting to reveal the social and political impact of food security institutions on the resilience of rural communities.}, publisher = {総合地球環境学研究所}, title = {ザンビア・シナゾングウェ地区におけるNGO の活動と食糧安全保障プログラム}, year = {2010}, yomi = {マツムラ, ケイイチロウ} }