@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000714, author = {三浦, 憲 and 菅野, 洋光 and 櫻井, 武司 and Miura, Ken and Kanno, Hiromitsu and SAKURAI, Takeshi}, month = {Jan}, note = {application/pdf, In rural Africa, the liquidation and accumulation of productive assets, such as large livestock, lie at the heart of livelihood strategies to smooth consumption against fluctuating income (the buffer stock hypothesis). Previous studies have tested this hypothesis but have reported inconsistent results. A possible explanation for such results, and one noted in the growing literature on asset dynamics, is that poorer households may choose to maintain and smooth productive assets rather than to smooth consumption. However, very little empirical evidence exists on the matter. This study re-examines the buffer stock hypothesis regarding cattle by taking wealth-differentiated smoothing tendencies into account. First, this paper introduces measurable definitions of sensitivity and resilience in terms of asset fluctuations. The former is defined as the level of impact a shock has on household assets, while the latter is the recovery level after the shock. Second, this paper employs a high-frequency panel data set of agricultural households from Southern Province, Zambia, one of the most drought-prone areas in the country. The data were collected between 2007 and 2009, a period that includes the occurrence of a rare heavy rainfall year within the study site. This study uses panel estimation techniques to investigate whether a threshold exists in asset holding level that distinguishes between asset smoothing and consumption smoothing, and to estimate the determinants of asset sensitivity to a heavy rainfall shock for each regime. Results reveal that household sensitivity depends on the number of cattle held before the shock, suggesting the existence of multiple dynamic asset equilibria. However, those who preserve their cattle holdings during a flood-year may be affected by a lagged rainfall shock in the following year, with implications for the long-term relationship between asset dynamics and economic mobility. This paper also suggests that the determinants of sensitivity may be distinct in each wealth quartile., 和文のものは、英文の報告の内容を要約したものとなっている}, publisher = {総合地球環境学研究所}, title = {ザンビア農村部における豪雨ショックの資産動学への影響 - 飼育牛の頭数変化に関する検証 -}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ミウラ, ケン and カンノ, ヒロミツ and サクライ, タケシ} }