@book{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000718, author = {今, 小百合 and Thamana, Leprichakul and 山内, 太郎 and Kon, Sayuri and Lekprichakul, Thamana and YAMAUCHI, Taro}, month = {Jan}, note = {application/pdf, We reported in a previous project seasonal variations in the body weight of adult villagers living in three contrasting ecological zones (Lowland, Hillside, and Upland) in the southern province of Zambia. The report revealed differences in the nutritional status of adults and in patterns of seasonal variation in body weight between the three zones, suggesting characteristic lifestyles of the people living in each zone even though the zones were not geographically distant. Based on these findings, we conducted a field survey on diet, physical activity, and behavioral patterns to investigate the lifestyles of the three populations between August 2010 and September 2010. The subjects were chosen from participants of the preceding growth monitoring survey. This article describes differences in lifestyle, from the viewpoints of diet, physical activity, and behavioral patterns, of adult men and women living in the three zones, with special attention paid to regional and sex differences. Daily energy intake (neither absolute values nor standardized ones by fat-free mass) did not differ between the three regional groups for either sex. However, regional characteristics of dietary patterns were observed from the results on nutrient intake, energy percent of macronutrients, the proportions of specific food groups contributing to energy, and all macronutrients. Moreover, regional differences in physical activity and behavioral patterns were observed. Significant sex differences were found in the diet and physical activity patterns in the Lowland group, which can be explained by the fact that many men living in the lowlands had a side occupation besides farming and spent most of their time outside the home in the dry season. The contribution of fish consumption to dietary intake was highest in the Lowland group because of its geographical proximity to Lake Kariba. The lowland men also consumed a home-made fermented alcoholic drink. As for the Hillside group, their behavioral area used in daily life was the largest and their physical activity the highest, the latter particularly so for the women. Only the Upland group consumed sweet potato. The men and women living in the Uplands showed similar patterns in both space use and level of physical activity as the couples work together farming during the dry season., 和文のものは、英文の報告の内容を要約したものとなっている}, publisher = {総合地球環境学研究所}, title = {ザンビア共和国南部州の異なる生態学的環境に暮らす成人男女における地域ごとのライフスタイルの特徴 - 食事・身体活動・行動パターンの分析 -}, year = {2011}, yomi = {コン, サユリ and ヤマウチ, タロウ} }