@misc{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000750, author = {Colson, Elizabeth and Colson, Elizabeth}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, 厳しい環境は人間の創造力を試している.生存には適応能力が必要とされ,人々は柔軟で,革新的で,融通が効き,自立的でなくてはならない.過去千年の間,トンガの人々はザンビア南部のグウェンベ渓谷とジンバブウェに暮らしていた.長い年月をかけて,彼らは複合的な経済を作り出し,干ばつや洪水,その他の困難を生き抜いてきた.彼らの生存技術には,複数の作物を栽培することや,地域の状況に適し耐乾性の強い作物を栽培すること,そして近隣地域の資源にアクセスするための社会的紐帯の構築などが挙げられる., Harsh environments test human ingenuity. Survival requires adaptability which means that people must be flexible, innovative, versatile and self-reliant. For the last millennium, Tonga-speaking people have inhabited Gwembe Valley in southern Zambia and nearby Zimbabwe. Over the years they created a mixed economy that allowed them to survive drought, floods, and other challenges. Survival techniques included multi-cropping, development of drought-resistant strains of crops suitable to local conditions, and the cultivation of social ties that gave access to the resources of adjacent regions.}, title = {Resilience as a Way of Life in Gwembe Valley}, year = {2011} }