@misc{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000828, author = {MU, Guijin and 遠藤, 邦彦 and 相馬, 秀廣 and 堀, 和明 and QI, Wuyun and 村田, 泰輔 and MU, Guijin and ENDO, Kunihiko and SOHMA, Hidehiro and HORI, Kazuaki and QI, Wuyun and MURATA, Taisuke}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, There are many Tail-lakes of Heihe River at the front margin of the delta.Juyan-ze, Kashun-nur,Soug-nur have been the main ones. But most of them have been dried up one after another. Previous studies revealed that Heihe drainage basin was not closed. There was an outlet drainage system connecting a number of fresh water lakes underneath of the desert to the eastward. It is unknown if there was any tail-lakesu nderneath of Badanjilin Desert. But Juyan-ze should not be the oldest tail-lake at the Grea Ejina Fan margin after the basin was closed with the tectonic rising at the eastern region. Juyan・ze had a highest lake level marked by gravel bar at about 5000 aBP., and kept alive until at least Yuan Dynasty. But during its later time the lake was dried up temporarily many times, which is shown at sedimentary structures and yardan landforms. Kashun-nur was formed while Heihe channel migrated away from Juyan-ze to the westward. There is no evidence showing that Kashun-nur Suog-nur were connected together. But Soug-nur looks much younger than Kashun-nur. Tectonic movement is responsible to the closing up of the basin and channel migration at the early stage. The migration related to channel filling occurred during last 1000 years. Human has obviously influenced the channels and the lake since 1940s although large area of agricultural farmland was built 2000 years ago.}, title = {A preliminary study on the evolution of the tail-lakes related to the migration of the lower-reaches channels, Heihe, Inner Mongolia, China}, year = {2003}, yomi = {エンドウ, クニヒコ and ソウマ, ヒデヒロ and ホリ, カズアキ and ムラタ, タイスケ} }