@misc{oai:chikyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000833, author = {JIANG, Jianjun and ZHANG, Wanchang and MAO, Rongzhen and JIANG, Jianjun and ZHANG, Wanchang and MAO, Rongzhen}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, Radiometric correction was difficult to perform on imageries of mountainous areas where atmospheric and climatic data were difficult to obtain, because of the absence of weather station. It was a general knowledge that the classification of the non-radiometrically corrected imagery resulted to misclassifications, low accuracy and inconsistencies. From these problems,the objective of this study were drawn, namely to utilize a knowledge-based decision land cover and land use data. The study site was the heihe watershed, Province of Gansu, China. Two sets of Landsat TM taken form 1989 and 2002 were used as inputs to the project. The raw imageries were geometrically rectified, and atmospheric correction was done by the software of 6S. classified image using knowledge-based decision rule criteria created by the software of ERDAS Imagine. Result of the cross-tabulation showed that the classified imageries refined by the computer program had no incidence of invalid change result unlike the classified imageries produced without the assistance of the knowledge-based computer program. Also, its classification accuracy was higher than that of the imageries produced without the assistance of the computer program. We therefore conclude that the use of knowledge-based decision rule computer program to assist the standard classification procedures improved the accuracy of the land cover and land use data and the consistency of the land cover and land use change results.}, title = {Land use/cover change dynamics of the Heihe river basin revealed by Knowledge-based classification with landsat TM.DEM and other information}, year = {2003} }